<span style = "color: #F99281"; font-size: 40px>The Trolley Problem</span>
<span style = "color: black">But In Boats!
[[Click->name]] to continue</span>
(put: (prompt: "Come up with a name to be the savior","Fantastic Name") into $name)
Hello <span style = "color: #71777C">$name</span>, welcome abroad!
<span style = "color: black">Click [[me->day]] to continue your journey... To save the people</span><img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/sunny.gif"; width = "100%">
Today's sun is big, bright, and cold.
Not too good for human, since the survivors are all on the two [[boats->2 boats]]... from THAT event.
Total Survival: $number(set:$number to 800)
(set:$boat1 to ($number - 300))
(set:$boat2 to ($number - $boat1))
(set:$lifeboat1 to 0)
(set:$lifeboat2 to 0)
(set: $name to "")
(set: $decision to "")
(set:$clock to (random:1,24))[[<img src="https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/boat1.jpg" width="100%">->playerlocation]]
So... That's all we have left: <span style = "color: #85C4F9">$number</span> survivors on two boats.
Larger boat contains <span style = "color: #85C4F9">$boat1</span> people, and smaller boat contains <span style = "color: #85C4F9">$boat2</span> people.
You are located [[here->playerlocation]][[<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/boatLocation.jpg"width=100%>->night1]]
You're right here...
Be proud, you're the only technician left who can fix the boat [[:)->night1]]<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/boat_night.gif"width:"100%">
The night is peaceful, hopefully [[tomorrow->event1]] will be peaceful too...<img src="https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/boatsProblem.jpg"width="100%">
Two boats met technical difficulty and are to be sunk. You can fix but one.
Which one would you choose:
<a style = "color: red"> (link: "Repair the large boat")[
(set: $decision to "large")
(go-to: "shoulder")
<a style = "color: red">(link: "Repair the small boat")[
(set: $decision to "small")
(go-to: "shoulder")
(if: $decision is "large")[
<div style="position:relative;">
<img src="https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/shoulder.jpg" width="100%" id="clickable-area">
<a href="#"
<span style = "color: red">$name</span>, please don't leave me and my daughter alone. Fix <span style = "color:red">OUR</span> please!
(link: "change my mind")[
(set: $decision to "small")
(go-to: "shoulder")
(link: "pick up the gun")[
(if: $decision is "small")[
<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/shoulder.jpg"; width = "100%">
Thanks! Me and my daughter will bless you!
Hopefully, this is the right [[decision...->1boat]]
(if: $decision is "large")[
<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/largeBoatLeft.jpg:";width="100%">
(set: $number to ($number - $boat2))
Congrats! You saved $boat1 people at the expense of $boat2 people!
(else-if: $decision is "small")[
<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/smallBoatLeft.jpg"; width = "100%">
(set: $number to ($number - $boat1))
Congrats! You saved $boat2 people at the expense of $boat1 people!
[[Will this be the end?->event2]](if: $decision is "large")[
<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/largeBoatProblem.jpg"; width = "100%">
<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/smallBoatProblem.jpg";width = "100%">
A giant hole is found underneath the boat and it is going to sink.
Luckily, you fixed the [[two lifeboats->2lifeboats]]!(set:$lifeboat1 to ($number-100))
(set:$lifeboat2 to ($number-$lifeboat1))
<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/2shelters.jpg"; width = "100%">
the large lifeboat has <span style = "color: #85C4F9">$lifeboat1</span> people, and the small boat has <span style = "color: #85C4F9">$lifeboat2</span> people.
(if: $decision is "large")[
hopefully there's [[time->event3]] to morn for the loss of <span style = "color: #85C4F9">$boat2</span> people.
hopefully there's [[time->event3]] to morn for the loss of <span style = "color” #85C4F9">$boat1</span> people.
]<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/sheltersProblem.jpg"; width = "100%">
At $clock:00, two holes mysteriously appear at the belly of two boats. You can only repair one before they sink.
I hate to do <span style = "color: red">this</span>:
(link: "Repair the large boat")[
(set: $decision to "large")
(go-to: "man")
(link: "Repair the small boat")[
(set: $decision to "small")
(go-to: "man")
]<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/angryMan.jpg"; width = "100%">
(if:$decision is "large")[
Angry man:
$name, You have to fix <span style="color:red; font-size:30px">MY BOAT!</span>
(link: "change my mind")[
(set: $decision to "small")
(go-to: "man")
[[<img src="https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/twine/gun_web.png" width="10%">->blood2]]
(if:$decision is "small")[
Man: You did the right things.
...$name, make sure no accident will happen [[again->1lifeboat]]
](if: $decision is "large")[
<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/largeShelterLeft.jpg"; width = "100%">
Only 1 lifeboat remains... Hopefully, this is the [[last->dark]] sacrifice to make...
Total Survivor: $lifeboat1
<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/smallShelterLeft.jpg"; width = "100%">
Only 1 lifeboat remains... Hopefully, this is the [[last->dark]] sacrifice to make...
Total Survivor: $lifeboat2
<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/shelter_night.gif"; width = "100%">
I don't want to do this [[anymore->wakeup]].<br></br>
I wake up. It's just a dream?
walk [[outside->sea]] the room<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/sea.jpg" width = "100%">
<div style = "font-size: 50px; text-align: center;">The End</div><audio id="music" src="https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/twine/music.mp3" loop></audio>
window.togglePlayPause = function() {
var music = document.getElementById("music");
var button = document.getElementById("play-pause-button");
if (music.paused) {
button.innerHTML = "Pause Music";
} else {
button.innerHTML = "Play Music";
</script>[[<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/blood_girl.gif"; width="100%">->1boat]]
[[<img src = "https://goldenexpn.github.io/twinespring2023/images/blood.gif"; width = "100%">->1lifeboat]]